Thursday, August 29, 2019

Meet the Teacher- Brianna Beadle

Hello! My name is Brianna Beadle and I am currently teaching 8th grade science at Horning Middle School This school year marks my 3rd and a 1/2 year teaching, all of which has been at Horning. I have taught everything from literacy and world geography to US history, supporting in math and of course science. In the past three years, I have done everything from almost no technology to blended learning and then back somewhere in the middle.

My experience with technology is quite random. I was in school on the cusp of the technological revolution but the most technology we had were typing classes in the computer lab. Needless to say, I am mostly self taught with technology and it has been completely trial and error. I am eager to try out new things in the classroom after I have gotten a chance to play with them on my own.

I am looking forward to giving this next year a little boost by intentionally planning for using technology at a higher level!