Wednesday, October 16, 2019

SMART TVs.. Worth the hype?

Are these fancy new Smart TVs that are slowly making their appearance in your buildings worth the hype?  I keep going back and forth...

Let's all admit we get stars in our eyes when new shiny technology devices get delivered to our rooms.  I first saw a Smart TV when I was doing work at Lindholm and found one in a room.  To say I was beyond excited to start touching to see and test the bells and whistles was an understatement.  (Starting to understand how students feel...)  I fell in love with the Smart TV's ability to allow two hands touching/writing simultaneously, erase with your fist, access the internet and receive Smart lessons from your Macbook from any location.  Sub plans made easy!  I received more training to use this new device in August and learned some exciting features, such as screen sharing and file saving.  I couldn't wait to start using with students.

DUN DUN DUUUN.... There I was full of confidence and excited to wow my students with features of the Smart TV, when I tragically discovered just how touchy this TV was.  I went to show a video (simple, right?) when suddenly a bunch of screens popped up with the volume full blast.  While it was definitely a kick to my technology ego, I decided to push forward and keep on going.  (Even after a student uttered "Hey! My grandma makes our computer do that, too!" from the carpet) Another setback I discovered was that the Smart TV was just that, a TV.  I was in the mindset of having the ability to edit a Smart document on the spot.  This device is more of a display.  Since we specialize, I now had to send my smart mini lesson twice, so the second group doesn't see the activity from the first group. 

Now that I am almost two months in, I have gotten the hang of the features that I wasn't quite comfortable with.  I now know just how delicately to touch the screen and I know I have to "share" my Smart documents more than once for the different groups I teach rather than editing it.   Overall?  I'd definitely recommend this device.  My mind was made up day I unexpectedly had to have a sub, and was able to send my lessons to my Smart TV from home.  Impressing my Smart TV-less teaching partner and repairing my damaged technology ego!  

1 comment:

  1. Jillian, Thanks for being a trooper and willing to learn on the fly! It has changed some of what you do, and provided additional opportunities. You ROCK!
